from Mary of South Palm Beach, FL
"I'm walking as if I have no pain. I have a torn rotator and a limp in my leg, and only a few days into the cleanse ... no pain! It isn't subtle. I'm not limping! I don't understand it but it feels so good." from Client in Restoring Wellness
"The coolest part for me (ok there are many) is that YOU are here to coach and support us. Not just give us the information and expect that we absorb it and implement it all. You are invested in our lifestyle change. THAT is awesome to me. Sometimes I need to ask questions and discuss things you've presented for it to make sense. That extra step you're providing, the personal coaching, is what makes the difference." from Scott, of Atascadero, CA
"You are my health gospel." from Carol, a student from "Making Sense of Nutrition"
"I have been thinking about you daily since we met. I've perused your website, read your story, looked up Dermatomyositis, admired your style of teaching others, reflected on your comfortable style of relating to others....and thought to myself...."I want to get to know this person!" I have spent the majority of my adult life being interested in and researching health and nutrition. It's kinda too bad I'm not still practicing acupuncture because I believe I might be able to help some people....or at least bulldoze them into it!! But ego aside, you are probably the first person I've met in a long time with whom I could have a level discussion with about this topic of health. You are clearly researched....and, I'll be honest....the entire time you spoke the other night I was mentally checking your facts against what I know to be true. Sorry! Couldn't help it! But you put your pedal to the metal on accuracy and delivery (or at least we are reading the same material!) and I saw love-hearts floating over the top of my head as you finished up for the evening. It is rare for me to meet another who is trying to see the health and nutrition facts delivered to us by our government, or corrupt and/ or non-corrupted research, through an unfiltered lens. I have several close friends who are medical practitioners of one sort or another with whom I can't discuss health because their own lens is corrupted by the mainstream agenda. Sigh..... Anyway, I'll stop blabbering here and just say it was a pleasure to meet you and I really hope our paths cross again." from Dianna of Seattle, WA
I don't think I could have done [the 10-day juice cleanse] this long without your help. Thank you and I love your website - it is so easy to use. from Lina of Atascadero, CA
"First of all, a BIG THANK YOU for your generous sharing of information and gift of time. Your knowledge and passion for nutrition are impressive and I feel honored I had the opportunity to meet with you. I am also impressed with your humble demeanor-a true sign of a person centered in their knowledge and not needing "pomp and circumstance" to impart said information. I am excited about continuing our connection and learning more and more." from Erik of Germany
"The dietary plan Stephanie put me on is a good diet. Since the second phase of our consultation, I've lost 8 kilograms and I feel good - I can see my feet again! After many months of not being allowed to drive due to my medical concerns, I have restarted my career as a driver! I say a big THANK YOU!" from Jean of Atascadero, CA
"I would like to encourage anyone who is thinking about juicing to take the step. You will greatly benefit from it. The first time I gave a halfhearted go at it, I didn’t make it 24hrs. I had a lot of reactions to cleansing that scared me so I stopped. A year later I wanted it more and was willing to toughen up. I had no idea what was ahead of me. This time, Stephanie was there to help me get though the first 24 hrs. With a polluted body, I felt sick before I felt good. I had no idea the emotional battle I would have to overcome about food or the lack of food, but again, with the coaching and encouragement from Stephanie, I kept going. One day at a time was too much for me so I took it in terms of for now I am not breaking my cleanse. Each day turned into a better day and I was feeling good. By the fourth day I wasn’t thinking of food anymore. I woke up feeling rested and didn’t get burned out mid-day. Not only did I make it through the first 24hours - I made it 18 days. I will juice cleanse again knowing my body has the need to heal itself and this is the best thing I can do for me. Thank you Stephanie for helping me through such a hard time to victory. Your coaching is what got me through my first cleanse. Your program has taught me so much about how to care for my body with nutrition." from Cindy of Sutter Creek, CA
My husband and I just finished Stephanie's juice cleanse and we feel great! This was a chance for us to hit the "reset" button on our wellness path. Stephanie provided great support through the whole process and guided us through it expertly. Through her website she gave us recipes and resources as well as step by step guidelines on what to expect during our cleansing journey. We are so grateful that we were a part of this process and will be juicing again! Thank you Stephanie! from Paula of Lake San Antonio, CA
"With all the big words you use, you sure make it easy to understand." from Richard of Morro Bay, CA
"A 10 day Juice Cleanse? I put a question mark there because; first, I never thought I would ever do something like a Juice Cleanse. Second, because I was clearly ignorant of not only the health benefits but the dramatic change it would have on my entire attitude toward food, nutrition and how I have now decided to take care of the only body I have…at age 57. The benefits? Well, how about losing 18 pounds in 10 days?! Or, better yet, a clearer state of mind, much sounder sleep at night, boundless energy, completely unobstructed breathing, and an awareness of what to eat and how it affects my body that I never imagined prior. Was it worth the money? From a guy’s perspective…a resounding Hell Yes!! How can one put a price tag on the benefits that I have realized in just 10 days. Needless to say, I have not only made juicing a normal part of my everyday life, but now have the ability to be an example to others who I know have the same desire to change their lives in a similar manner…and that is to turn them on to Stephanie’s coaching. Everything she described would happen in this program happened to the letter. Great job Stephanie. Look forward to many referrals. Thanks, Richard B." from Carlene of San Luis Obispo County
During a Food as Medicine class on Vision Health, Carlene expressed all the things she's implemented since attending Stephanie's classes. Stephanie expressed gratitude that Carlene would not only implement the things she's talked about but share with her she had done so. Carlene expressed, "I shared it on purpose. I read afterwards about the things you suggest and they say the same. You carry a lot of credibility." from Bob of Atascadero, CA
"I'll start calling you Google." After a consultation, "I've been Stephanized!" |
from Kristy of Redwood City, CA
"I've come to the realization that I will likely never go back to the way I used to eat. Even just a few days into this, I realize what poor choices I have always made and it's this awareness that fosters long term change. I still miss certain things and may not give them up forever, but the foundation of how I used to eat has been obliterated and many new habits have already been formed. Super exciting!! Thank you Stephanie!" from Mother and Daughter team in Atascadero, CA"
[My daughter] and I had some of those symptoms and now don't now that we don't ingest gluten (or dairy). Thanks, Stephanie Austin, for making me see how well I feel without gluten and dairy!" posted after reading this article on the symptoms of gluten intolerance from Dawn of Winnemucca, NV
"Thank you so much for everything! You have been a huge help to me. I feel so much better now. I am amazed at the things that taste good to me now. My husband was just telling me its nice to have me say I think something tastes good. I went for a long time when nothing tasted good. Thanks again for your help." from Heather of Atascadero, CA
"I have tried doing juice cleanses many times on my own and the only times I have been successful are the two times I've done the coaching program with Stephanie. Having her and the whole group of juicers holding me accountable help get me through it. Every time I've been close to caving, I would think of Stephanie and power on. When I really struggled, Stephanie was there to keep me going. I love the results and feeling I get from the juice cleanse and highly recommend doing one to anyone. And to anyone doing a juice cleanse, get Stephanie Austin as your coach. Not only is Stephanie very knowledgeable, which she shares each day of the program, but she's very supportive and lays it out in a way that is easy to follow and understand." from Courtney of Winnemucca, NV
"So I just wanted to share my experience of my juice cleanse journey. I have done a cleanse in the past through Stephanie, I had such great results from it and gained so much knowledge about what my body needs and the benefits of cleansing, that I had no hesitation to try another one. This one was different, it was also a fast so it was a bit more challenging for me in the beginning. I have 4 kids, so preparing their food in the beginning was hard. But during those first few days what kept me going and motivated was reading others' blogs about their own journey's and the feedback from others and Stephanie's words of motivation and knowledge. Just knowing that she is doing this much longer than we did is motivation enough! After day 3 the lightness and energy I had was great. It's still there. I went just a couple days longer and now I am on to eating raw. I still know I have done something great for my body. Without Stephanie's help I wouldn't know where to begin and i would be on a very dangerous path to declining health. I plan on making this a lifetime change of incorporating more raw into my diet and also my family's. Just in my small town my husband and I have met so many other's who are in need of a life change in food. We have referred them to Stephanie and we are hoping and praying they will make the commitment to change their lives. It's amazing that the food you intake can be such a crucial thing. I had no idea a few years ago. So thank you to Stephanie for caring about teaching other's about the amazing health benefits through the right foods. I had such a great result from this and can't wait to get on board for another one!" from Ruthie of Atascadero, CA
"At age 52, my hubby and I, our daughter and son in law, did our first raw foods only and juices for five and a half days. Although this was our first try, Stephanie made the journey easier by giving us education, support and accountability. Thank you Stephanie, not only did we all lose weight but we all felt the energy and clarity of mind that comes from eating living foods! Peace and health to you and yours, Ruthie" from Matthew of Winnemucca, NV
I've battled athletes feet since I played high school football. I've tried every spray and powder there was and Stephanie made it go away within a few weeks using a spray she made with oils and smelly stuff that I sprayed several times per day. Thanks! from Sheila of San Luis Obispo, CA
"Stephanie Austin has the rare combination of gifts of being exceptionally knowledgeable, able to integrate all she knows and reads, sincerely compassionate and open, and a contagious love for learning and life. In just a two hour class she shared a volumes of pertinent information in a fun, engaging manor. She gives practical tips you can start right now as well as the science and statistics to back it up. I look forward to taking many more of her inspiring classes and working with her one-on-one to get our family healthy again! I am so grateful Stephanie is here on the Central Coast." from Sheila of San Luis Obispo
“Your 2-hour Candida Class was amazingly inspiring and informative. I immediately put the class to use. I got the whole family on board and I brewed my first batch of cultured veggies. Within the first few days we had the tell-tale signs of the Candida die-off. By the end of the first week my husband could move his belt a notch tighter and I was down to a size 10 (from not being able to button my 12’s any more). Our faces were noticeably thinner and our complexions were healthier both in color and less wrinkles. I even lost those two worry lines between my eyebrows! We are all sleeping better and feeling clearer mentally. My blood sugar issues and mood have smoothed out. We plan to do the full three months and we look forward to the benefits yet to come. Your class was invaluable in giving me the support and accurate information I needed. And Chef Nancy’s 5-Week Hands-on cooking classes gave me the confidence to cook the foods allowed on the diet in new and creative ways! Thank you Stephanie & Nancy from the bottom of our hearts (and guts).” from Jan of Atascadero, CA
"I am on the seventh day of the Kick-Start [cleanse]. I have lost ten pounds... I do not have any cravings for food. I get hungry but do not feel the panic (for lack of a better word) that I did when I was dieting before. I really think that this is working and I am excited to continue following your direction." from Donna of Atascadero, CA
"Even though Stephanie is my daughter, I had to share my best testimonials. Having high blood pressure among other health issues, the doctor was wanting to add a third prescription to control my high blood pressure. We are always chatting about changes I could make with my diet to lower my blood pressure so I would not have to take prescriptions, but until I actually did it, I would have never known how fast the results were. I am still amazed. In only three days of eating raw, my blood pressure lowered to acceptable pressure. In time, I have been able to reduce to only 1 prescription to maintain my blood pressure with a better diet than before. I am so thankful for her coaching. In time I hope to be off blood pressure meds all together. She works with me and the doctors, which is important with my serious congenital heart condition. She is always telling me, go get your blood work, check this or that. I've also had complex migraines, which are a lot like strokes. With doctors saying they can help using prescription drugs, Stephanie brought me relief in less than ONE NIGHT using minerals and one homeopathy." |