-Chronic Pain? -Arthritis? -Depression? -Inflammation? -Colds? - Unexplained Nausea? -Autoimmune Disease? -Thyroid Disease? -Abdominal Cramping? -Diarrhea to Constipation?
Discuss this and more ...Gluten sensitivity affects more than 40% of the population and may be the underlying cause to countless ailments from joint inflammation to ADHD. 90% of people with an inflammatory disease like Arthritis and autoimmune diseases like Asthma and Lupus are gluten-intolerant. Due to manipulation of wheat crops, there is over 50% more gluten found in today’s grain than 100 years ago. Gluten intolerance does not only cause digestive ailments. In fact, for every one person with digestive related symptoms, there are at least 7 others without a single digestive upset but they are still gluten-intolerant with different, seemingly unrelated symptoms. During this PowerPoint presentation on the Science Behind Gluten, you will learn what happens when you eat gluten and how many people it affects negatively. Ask questions throughout! This class is so big, I must break it into three parts. I also offer a 21-days to Living Gluten-free Coaching Program for those who want more guidance. PART 1 of 3: Who Needs It and The Havoc it Causes Internally PART 2 of 3: How to Eat Gluten Free and The Emotional Changes that Follow PART 3 of 3: How to Eat Gluten Free and The Effects Gluten has on Children ImmunityDid you know that by eating too many cooked and not enough raw foods can decrease your body's resistance? And too high of blood sugar can inhibit your body's ability to fend off everyday invaders? Do you realize that by eating seasonally available foods, your body is provided the key nutrients it needs to support immunity. Everyone's immune system is different. Some people never seem to get infections, whereas others seem to be sick all the time. There are things that you can do to protect and strengthen your immune system during periods of illness or in the face of chronic disease. The three areas that are most important in protecting and bolstering the immune system are diet and nutrition, exercise, and stress reduction. Learn this and so much more during this powerpoint presentation and discussion.
Detox & EliminationThese two subjects cannot be taught separately as one directly supports the other. During this class, we discuss a subject you may NOT like to talk about: elimination, fiber and how closely related the bathroom is to your energy levels! So leave it to me... I'll do all the talking about how important your elimination system is to your body's detoxification pathways of liver, kidneys, intestines, skin and lungs. Acne, achy joints, constipation, fatigue, depression and so many more symptoms you might be accustomed to, might suggest the need for detoxification. Through these daily techniques and weekly foods, you can increase your fiber content and promote easy, daily detox.
AdrenalsWe are constantly bombarded with stress that we’re aware of, such as finances and relationship; but did you realize the stress your body is under from routine activities such as eating a cooked meal or watching television while eating with your family? Our chemical and sugar-laden diets keep our adrenals over-worked and once they’ve reached a state of fatigue, they require great nutritional support to come back up. During this PowerPoint presentation and Q&A, you will learn how your adrenals function and explore the many components of support found in food. Ask questions throughout! Includes recipes and handouts.
Blood SugarThis is the key to longevity! You do not need to be diagnosed with diabetes to benefit from this class. There are sugars hidden in processed foods everywhere and they are leading to a worldwide increase in diabetes and contributing to an array of 'dis'ease. Maintaining an even blood sugar level supports your immunity, reduces inflammation, curbs cravings, balances depression and so much more! Enjoy this PowerPoint presentation and informative discussion that applies to anyone looking to increase vitality and support the body's daily processes.
Men's HealthJust as there are different nutritional needs during pregnancy and childhood, men have specific needs too, such as prostate care, nourishing a full head of hair and maintaining muscle mass while balancing meat consumption. Enjoy this PowerPoint presentation on the nutrients that best support health concerns of men. Ask questions throughout! Includes recipes and handouts.
VisionWe'll discuss the nutrients for optimal vision health and from which foods you can get key elements like beta-carotene, bioflavonoids and essential fatty acids. Learn which foods to eat in your weekly diet to help preserve your 20/20
CancerA discussion with Stephanie and Natural Chef, Nancy Walker, for those dealing with cancer and/or their caregivers and support teams. We will discuss the importance of portion sizes and why a variety of foods is necessary plus the significance of nutrient dense as oppose to nutrient empty foods. We will look at healthy guidelines regarding how to keep from losing weight as well as different ways we can keep hydrated while going through treatment. It will be a beneficial introductory session for all involved. Healing tea and a delicious bowl of soup will be served.
Nancy Walker is a certified Natural Chef specializing in Therapeutic Cooking. When you’re diagnosed with a health is-sue, you know deep in your heart you’re going to have to make dietary changes, but getting started can be scary and uncomfortable. Chef Nancy is your gentle guide into healthy, delicious cooking. Breastfeeding NutritionBaby Bliss
THE BREAST IS THE BEST; IT OVERSHADOWS ALL THE REST. IT’S TAILORED TO JUST YOUR LITTLE ONE; PROTEIN, CARBOHYDRATES, AND FAT ALL IN ONE! IT COATS HIS BELLY AND DIGESTIVE TRACT AND BUILDS AN IMMUNE DEFENSE SO SHE WON’T GET OFF TRACK. IT’S PROBIOTIC, NUTRITIVE RICH AND LETS NOT FORGET; FULL OF BLISS. ~Stephanie Austin Dear Moms to be, Do you know that your breast milk alters in its nutritional structure depending on if your baby is born early, late or during illness? Enjoy this two hour discussion with Holistic Health Practitioner, Stephanie Austin, about the amazing nutritional qualities in breast milk and how vital it is for your new loved one. How long do I breastfeed? How can I create more milk? What nutrition do I need while breastfeeding? When do I add solid foods and what do I start with? Learn all of this and more! Eating for TwoWhile you are developing an entire human being, you are going to need additional nutrition but surprisingly, not too many more calories. Join me for this class to discuss the foods you might want to add/remove and which foods make a huge difference to prevent gestational diabetes, high blood pressure, swollen ankles and malnutrition while pregnant.
CandidaMillions are affected by an overgrowth of this opportunistic yeast. Candidiasis, or yeast infections, "now infects and impairs over 80% of all people (men and women) living in industrialized nations worldwide." Find out what causes Candida and learn how important diet is to overcoming this imbalance.
All You Need to Know About Eating a Plant-based Diet
Is a plant-based diet the best way to eat? According to US News, it very well might be:
"Roughly 370 million people are living with diabetes, and according to the International Diabetes Federation, that number is expected to soar upwards of 550 million by 2030. Type 2 diabetes is entirely preventable, and plenty of research suggests a plant-based diet can help ward off the disease." "Harvard School of Public Health, suggests a diet loaded with fruits and veggies can lower blood pressure. About 1 in 3 American adults suffers from high blood pressure, meaning they're at higher risk for heart disease and stroke--two leading causes of death in the United States." “Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet.” -Albert Einstein Have you come to realize that eating a plant-based diet is the healthiest way to eat but you're concerned about getting enough protein, calcium, B-12 and other essential nutrients readily available from animal sources? During this Eating for Healing class, we will discuss evidence-based nutritional data on the plant-based diet including key nutrients, sources and how to get enough of what you need to thrive. Plus a bonus discussion on reading labels to help you understand where to begin on this journey of navigating the food-like products out there. InflammationInflammation is the body’s defense mechanism and the more we become aware of our bodies, the more we can learn from its subtle warnings before inflammation turns into pain, swelling, arthritis, candida, IBS, PMS, imbalanced pH, cancer and auto-immune disease like lupus. Inflammation is a sign that will present at the beginning of any ailment and by supporting your body’s response, you can maintain balance.
Brain FuelNeeding brain fuel and don't know which foods are the best choices? Are you on a budget yet in need of healthy and convenient options for meals between classes? Then this class is for you! Please join me to discuss the nutritional needs of students such as yourself. We will discuss the effects of microwaving your food, why coffee isn't the best choice when cramming for an exam, and much more!
CardiovascularThe state of your cardiovascular system is as important as having tires on your car. The tires keep the car moving just as a clear-flowing vascular highway keeps you moving. Heart disease is one of the leading causes of death yet it is quite easily supported and can even be prevented by the right dietary lifestyle. Enjoy this discussion on the key nutrients needed for optimal circulation with the help of cayenne! Ask questions throughout! Includes recipes and handouts.
Raw FoodsWhat happens when enzymes and nutrients are heated in the cooking process? How does eating a predominately cooked food diet affect your immune system? How long do I soak nuts before eating them and how does the nutrition change when sprouting seeds? We will discuss the hows and whys of Raw and Living Food and how important it is to eat a minimum of 60-80% raw!
Vegetarian NutritionWhich of the following foods do NOT contain protein?
A) Chicken B) Orange C) Algae D) Almonds E) None The answer is E) None because they ALL contain protein. More often than any other question, vegans and vegetarians get asked, “Where do you get your protein?” Soon to follow are questions like, “How about calcium? How can athletes eat vegetarian?” and the list goes on. This class is meant to address many of these questions and help you learn the importance of plant-based nutrition. Not all vegetarians eat healthy and this dietary lifestyle is not free from malnutrition. We will even discuss how current vegetarians can make healthier choices. Intended for meat eaters, vegetarians, vegetarian curious and skeptics as well! Class includes appetizers, tea and a powerpoint presentation on the subject. |
All About JuicingHave you considered juicing daily or perhaps you're interested in a juice fast? Learn all about the benefits of juicing plus taste delicious samples of three different juices made fresh just for you. Discuss the ins and outs of fresh juice with Certified Holistic Health and Nutrition Coach, Stephanie Austin, HHP, who has over 300 days of juice fasting experience.
SPECIALS: Receive $5 OFF on classes that you sign up and prepay for at this discussion. |
Monthly Movie Night: Documentary & DiscussionJoin us for this FREE movie and discussion that helps you to make sense of nutrition. As a certified holistic health and nutrition coach, my favorite part of helping people regain their sense of wellness is in group settings such as this. Nothing helps you to reach your goals better than group support and accountability. Together, we watch four of the most life-changing documentaries, and afterwards, I answer some of your key questions about nutrition, weight loss and Eating for Healing.
Receive $5 off any Eating for Healing class that you prepay and register for during these FREE Movie Nights. View the calendar for dates and locations county-wide. MOVIES: Hungry for Change Food Matters Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead Forks Over Knives DISCUSSIONS: Making Sense of Nutrition Is Juicing for Me Raw Food Nutrition Vegetarian Basics Q&A: Ask Holistic Health Practitioner, Stephanie Austin your questions pertaining to the movie and her discussion. LOCATIONS: Kennedy Club Fitness - 500 S River Rd, Paso Robles Shine Cafe - 415 Morro Bay Blvd, Morro Bay Budo Ryu - 3566 S Higuera St #205, SLO Sukha Wellness Center - 6615 Bay Laurel Place, Avila Beach New Frontiers - 1531 Froom Ranch Way, SLO Green Lotus Center - 550 Morro Bay Blvd, Morro Bay Possible other locations when traveling near you. |